How to beat morning puffiness and swelling
We’ve all woken up after a night of salty snacks and binge-watching to find a bloated complexion looking back at us in the mirror. But sometimes it may seem like you’re doing everything right and you still have a swollen face and puffy eyelids in the morning. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the most common causes of morning puffiness and how to avoid them.
As we’ve already mentioned, diet is a leading cause of bloating, especially those that are high in sodium. This is because salt causes the body to retain fluids, while simultaneously decreasing the body’s overall fluid intake and leading to dehydration. And chances are, your salt intake is already higher than it should be. In fact, according to recent research published in the scientific journal Nutrients, only 5-10% of the population consumes the daily recommended dose of sodium (less than 2300 mg).
As we move through spring and into summer, some of us may be experiencing seasonal allergies. If you have itchy, dry eyes that you rub all day long, chances are, you’re rubbing them in your sleep as well. And all that mechanical motion leads to swelling and inflammation in your eyelids and under eyes. Try an over-the-counter allergy medication, or if you prefer a more natural approach, try slowly introducing a tiny bit of local honey into your diet to help your system acclimatize to the flora of the area.
Even if you make all these changes, you still may suffer from morning puffiness if you’ve got bad sleep posture. As you may have heard, sleeping on your back is the best pose for your overall health, but particularly for your spine. When your vertebrae are twisted, circulation of blood, lymph and spinal fluid is cut off, causing fluid to pool in certain areas, which can lead to pain, headaches and edema.
Unfortunately, not many are able to comfortably fall asleep on their backs. And those that can often roll over in the middle of the night to find a more psychologically protective position on their sides or stomachs.
Follow these tips to kick morning puffiness out of bed and wake up glowing every morning!